Calendula Flowers (Marigold)

The colorful daisylike “petals” of Calendula (a.k.a. the pot Marigold) are actually the ray florets (diminutive flowers, serving a similar function as petals). These wonderful edible ray florets are plucked from the green flower base, and can be eaten raw or cooked. The florets may also be dried and rehydrated at a later date. 

 Flavor: slightly bitter, honey, grassy, minty.  Origin: Egypt 

 Uses: garnish desserts or scattered over salads or scrambled eggs. The petals can also be used to color and flavor butter, cheese and rice dishes, acting like saffron but with a lighter impact. Dried petals, used as a garnish for winter soups, make for an especially colorful addition to leek and potato or butternut squash soups.  Great gift for any coffee or tea drinker.  Product consists of whole and broken flowers, which are not ideal for fine crafting purposes (e.g. jar potpourris). 

 Recipe to try: Arugula and Roasted Pear Salad  [coming soon: ]

4 oz — $7.00

8 oz — $12.00

1 lb — $20.00



Type: Unknown Type